Sami Drake
Sales Team Coordinator
(703) 272-4392
Sami joined Washington Workplace in 2016 after having worked for Sit On It Seating, Exemplis for over 8 years. During this time, she found that the sheer dynamics of the furniture world gets in your blood. While with SOI, Sami was direct point of contact for several of the top 10 (5) dealerships.
“There is nothing better then a good team and WW has a proven track record. For 7 of my 8 SOI years, WW was one of my dedicated accounts. So, in some ways, it feels like coming home. I am proud to be bring my experience, dedication & tenacity to the table,” she says.
Sami lives in Colorado. During her off hours, she enjoys gardening and learning home repairs via Sir Google and Mr. YouTube. She also loves playing in the dirt and sword fighting with her grandson.